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LTS/LTP Registration is now open for session 1!

By SCPYHA 07/30/2024, 7:30pm EDT

The 2024/2025 Learn to Play/Learn to Skate registration is now open!  Please click on this link to register for the upcoming session(s).

Both programs will consist of three nine-week sessions at Hetland Arena.  Please see the flyer below for information on the schedule.  Have questions?  Please visit the LTS/LTP page, or email us

Mariners Power Skating summer schedule announced

By SCPYHA 01/09/2024, 7:45pm EST

It's that time of year!  Sign up for Mariners Power Skating  sessions over the summer to help your player prepare for the 2024/25 season.

See the flyer below for session schedules and contact information. 

Comedy Night Fundraiser announced for February 4!

By SCPYHA 12/09/2023, 8:00pm EST

Tickets are $25 with proceeds going to support the SouthCoast Panthers.

Please see the flyer for information regarding the event.  If you're unable to scan the QR code, you can use this link to buy tickets.

UMass Dartmouth to hold clinics for Panther Players

By SCPYHA 10/10/2023, 8:45pm EDT

We are pleased to announce that we have teamed up with UMass Dartmouth Hockey to hold clinics for Mites through Bantams.

About 2 weeks ago a group of UMD players approached SCPYHA with an idea to help our players. They've agreed to lead clinics as a means to utilize their expertise and capture our players’ interest. 

While these clinics are for our Cross Ice Mite through Bantam teams, we are looking to have the UMD players run a more advanced clinic/college-style practice for our Midget players. We will have more information on this in the coming weeks.

These sessions will be held Sunday nights at Hetland Arena beginning on October 15th.

These will run as "drop-in" style clinics where no registration is needed prior to coming. There is no additional cost to players. Kids can attend the appropriate clinic for their age division, so please reference your team's schedule to determine which Sunday clinic your child should attend.

Go Corsairs, and Go Panthers!

Please note: This is only open to Panthers who are currently on a team.


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